R'narel Oadan

- Balmung, Crystal Data Center

Smart as a whip and cute as a button.


Name: Nareluriya Miroiryeux R'narel OadanNicknames: Narel to family members and close friends. Calling her R'narel is instant stranger danger.Sex/Gender: Female, uses she/her pronouns.Race: Tallafell? Lalazen? Crossed between a Dunesfolk Lalafell mother, Ishgardian Elezen father.Age: Born sometime after the fall of Dalamud, approximately nine years old at the time of Endwalker.Place of Birth: Found abandoned as an infant in a vegetable crate in Mist.Current Residence: Mist, with her adoptive family.Occupation: Something of a baby polymath. A combination of her Echo and encouraging role models contributed greatly to her magical and martial learning. She used to perform archery and battlesong up to the events of Stormblood, but after a few especially traumatic events, she has taken up pictomancy.


Height/Weight: 3'0", 30lbsHair color: Her hair is naturally white, like her birth father's. She dyed it black to distance herself from him for the duration of Heavensward and Stormblood until the suffusion of light aether during the events of Shadowbringers removed it. The pale blue tips were where the dye weathered off and she maintains it this way.Eye color: Silvery-gray, thus the epithet "Mirror Eyes".Skin tone: A darker tan tone common among Thanalan natives.Body type: A little taller than the average for a Lalafellin child and slightly more gangly. Has plenty of pudgy baby fat, but she's incredibly light on her feet and acrobatic. Has fairly large ears that tend to droop at the tips. Could feasibly pass for an adult by the uninformed unless she is seen interacting with her family.Appearance: Her favorite color is Raptor Blue and her outfits almost always reflect this. Often wears jewelry and applies makeup to seem older than she actually is. Her face paint was a deliberate attempt to mimic the appearance of a Sun Seeker.Health status: Generally in good health, heals readily from illnesses but is still recovering from Light poisoning. A baby tooth or two are missing. Her worst scars are very well hidden.Strengths: Smart and sweet. Excels in learning far above her age level. Very good with money and its accrual, with the business sense to rival a Pelupelu that doesn't preclude generosity.Has a silly (...sometimes even dirty?) sense of humor and plenty of patience, both of which she's cultivated from being raised by her loving adoptive family. Will do anything for her siblings.Weaknesses: Jealous and snippy. As eldest child of such a large family and knowing she's not related to any of them by blood, she often feels like she has just that much more to prove. Too much.Doesn't like others belittling or ignoring her and may have fits of pouty silence or haughty mean-spirited sass. When all's said and done, she is still only a child with all the flaws of one.


Excels in filing your taxes.

Parents: Closest to R’oadan Nunh (Papa) and Selithia Wainwright (Mama), the couple that adopted and raised her. Adopted Ghim Tribesguard (Gigi) as a third parent, with both Mama and Papa's approval. She will inevitably assign any other suitable role-model as a "-dad", regardless of their actual sex or gender.Siblings: The eldest and so far only adopted child in her family. She has multiple younger siblings born from her three parents.Children: None, being a child herself.Affiliations: Not many, but she is loyal to Sultana Nanamo ul Namo, befriended a dragonet, and has quiet ties to House Dzemael.Relationship status: Child. Has an obvious schoolgirl crush on Pipin Tarupin. Don't bother asking, she'll never admit to it.Likes: A family friend introduced her to all the fixings of Ishgardian high tea and she fell in love - tiny sandwiches, little fruit tarts, teensy cookies. She prizes soft, fluffy things and has an impressive toy collection she rarely actually plays with. She also REALLY enjoys marimos and tends to keep them as “pets”.Dislikes: Meals using raptor flank. She takes being part of the R tribe very seriously and gets quite upset when its patron animal becomes lunch. No one has told her she's eaten it and loved it.Hates: Most vegetables. She bit into a krakka root once to see why her chocobo liked it so much. Never again.Fears: Being forgotten by her family. She loves them and all of her siblings dearly, but believing in the tribe so greatly and knowing she is technically outside it upsets her deeply. She is petrified at the sight of Garlean Magitek Claws.Orientation: She's a literal child.

Just saw the whore budget for this month.